"On December 2nd, the 6th World Forum on the Frontiers of Education, themed 'Climate·Education·Learning: Turning the Tide, Starting with Me', was held online. The forum was organized by the China Education 30-Person Forum, in collaboration with the Education Policy Center of the University of Hong Kong, and co-organized by the Tian Jiabing Foundation, the South China Normal University Hong Kong and Macao Research Center (a university research base for country and regional studies under the Ministry of Education), and the School of Education of Guangzhou University. The second sub-forum was hosted by the China Ecological Civilization Education Research Center of Central China Normal University, chaired by Teacher Teng Yuan from our Institute of Education Economics and Management. Professor Yue Wei from the Department of Education gave a keynote report titled 'Responding to Climate Change: The Era's Mission and Action Path for Education'.